Meet a Mom

We know it’s tough to find time and space for yourself when you are working full time, raising a family, and making it through each day.  Read our interview with Fairleigh, a longtime member and mom, for inspiration on how she makes it happen.

What do you do for a living?

I am a veterinary technician and work full time.

What do you like to do for exercise?

I like to do a combination of weights and cardio for exercise. I have started recently to vary my cardio in between sets of weights – I will do 15 min on the elliptical or treadmill then move directly to a series of weight machines then right back to 10-15 more min of cardio like the bicycle, then another series on the machines. I have recently added in some of the evening classes and have really enjoyed them.

How does being able to fit in exercise affect the rest of your life, family, etc.?

Being able to (finally!) fit in exercise has been so important for all aspects of my life. Not only does it feel great to have that “me time” but it also helps me to relieve stress after a busy day. I am a happier and healthier person for it!

What brought you to Powerlady Fitness?

I originally came to Powerlady on a Groupon but I picked it specifically for the location and the child care option. Also I was not interested in a big gym experience but wanted some place more relaxed and comfortable. After a month of the Groupon, I joined the gym and that was three years ago!

What is your favorite thing about our childcare?

My favorite thing about childcare is that the “sitters” are willing to engage with my child, play with her or draw with her. Each visit for my daughter is varied and fun, she loves coming to the gym and is very upset when I decide not to go!

What advice would you give to new moms who want to exercise but aren’t sure how/where to start? (I hear so many say they feel guilty about spending money, being away from their child, taking their child from daycare straight to childcare).

My advice for new moms is to recognize the importance of taking that time for yourself to get some exercise. Even though it may seem like you are being selfish, its really just the opposite! The gym does not cost much money as compared to many other places and the childcare center is so close to the rest of the gym, your child is just right around the corner! I know my daughter loves coming to the gym right after I pick her up from aftercare at her school because its another fun activity for her, a different kind of stimulation in a small comfortable environment. When new moms take time for themselves, everyone benefits!

Comment on the classes you take at Powerlady Fitness. Meet your needs? Stretch you in a good way?

I do not take classes regularly and have only taken one Pilates class. That one class was amazing and I was motivated to attend other classes, but instead have mostly done my own workouts on a 3-4 times a week basis.

Comment on the camaraderie you experience with other young moms either in classes or with your friends, neighbors, a buddy who also comes to the gym.

I have made casual friends from some ladies I see on a regular basis, but I don’t know their names! I always feel welcome and comfortable at Powerlady, I feel like we are there all for the same reason and that feels very good.

Is the location convenient to your home, your neighborhood?

Yes! I live in the Oak Grove neighborhood and work in Decatur. Most days it is easy enough to pick up my daughter from school and then take her with me to the gym. That is one of the major benefits to Powerlady, its in my neighborhood!

What does your child like about childcare?

She loves the variety between the childcare providers and the children that are present each day. Even if she is the only child there, she is stimulated and happy for the interaction with the provider.

What activities does your child enjoy at Powerlady’s childcare center?

My daughter loves coloring and reading while at Powerlady and she also loves playing with the other children. The childcare providers sometimes guide the play among the children and most of the time they are right in the middle of the play as well!

Comment on the cost and/or the value of childcare at Powerlady Fitness.

The cost to me is so minimal compared to the value it provides for me, my daughter and my family. I am more content having my time to exercise and my daughter is happy to have different interactions each time she is at the gym. My membership at Powerlady makes the whole family happy!

Comment on the childcare workers at Powerlady Fitness, their caring attitude, professionalism, etc.

The childcare providers at Powerlady are always enthusiastic, caring and motivated to give my child a wonderful experience. They are professional and truly interested in the care that they give to each child there. I am glad to have such wonderful staff persons to take care of my child!

member profileBecky Tainter